Sevenmile Rim & Uranium Arch

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Trails is Close to Moab
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Uranium Arch
Monitor & Merrimac Butts

The Sevenmile Rim Trail area a network of trails high above Moab Utah. The trail is located just north of town along Hwy 191. The trail can be access from a large parking area just north of the turn out to Hwy 313 that goes to Canyonlands National Park. The parking area is across the street from the Chevron Station.

As the name implies you will be following the edge of Courthouse Pasture along the rim that overlooks Arches National Park and the La Sal Mountains. There are several opportunities to stop at overlooks and checkout the views. Keep kids and pets at hand, it is quite the drop off from the top of the rim.

Uranium Arch is actually on a well marked side trail off of the main 7 Mile Rim trail. Though not a large as some Moab's arches it is still an impressive site and worth a visit. One of the coolest things about the arch is how the trail circles around to the base of the arch.

Contrary to what the name might lead you believe, there is no uranium around Uranium Arch. Uranium is found in the Chinle Formation below the easy to I.D. Wingate cliffs that make up the shear canyon walls of Canyonlands National Park.

After Uranium Arch the trail move away from the rim that overlooked the Arches National Park area and start heading towards The Island in the Sky district of Canyonlands National Park. Notice the wide valley has been replaced by deep canyons.

Though Uranium arch is neat, especially if you haven't seen many arches. I thought Monitor Butte and Merrimac Butte were way more interesting. The size of the buttes is awe inspiring. It is also neat to feel how the wind blows through the gap between the two buttes.

The wind is so constant between the buttes that the ground is warn down to bar rock. After spending the entire trail riding on a sandy surface it is a shock to come up on this area with no sand or vegetation of any type.