Pritchett Arch Moab Utah

Moab Side by Side Tags
Huge Arch
Low use
Multiple Arches
Behind The Rocks WSA

Pritchett Arch is one of those special places in Moab that not many people get to see. The reason for this is that the arch is 15 miles from the paved road via a moderately difficult Jeep trail. Just getting to the beginning of the hike is an adventure in itself but not without it's own rewards such as this overlook into Kane Creek Canyon.

Our Kawasaki Teryx could only get us so far. Once you get to the parking area you will still face a 1.2 mile round trip hike to get to the arch. The hike also includes an initial climb that goes straight up to the plateau above. But don't worry by the time you get there you will be ready to stretch your legs.

The main trail takes visitors to the bottom of the arch and this is more than enough for most visitors. However, I had an old Moab hiking guide that showed an historic photo of horses on top of the arch so I was determined to find a way to the top.

As is typically the case we were able to make a mountain out of a mole hill. We took the first side canyon to the left to get to the top. The only problem was the canyon kept getting narrower and narrower until we found ourselves hanging from a crack in the rocks. Since we were already this far the only thing to do was continue and make an adventure out of things.

As is typically the case for us, once on top we found an easy trail that was even marked by arrows leading to the top of Pritchett Arch. To find this trail you will need to veer to the left off of the main trail after the major climb and go to the second outcropping of rocks. If you look at the map image above it would be above the 94 N coordinates shown of the map. This trail is relatively easy but steep in places.

As you can tell from the map images there are two other arches near Pritchett Arch. This is the top of Cummings Arch. It is difficult to actually see the arch but as long as you are in the area you might as well check it out.

Wigwam arch is to the right of Pritchett Arch. The arch is well hidden and this is the best photo we could get of the pothole arch. As is normal, I have a nagging desire to get a good photo of the arch and I will return one day with climbing gear to get up to the arch.
Since we were staying with our Kawasaki Teryx 4 side by side at Moab Adventure Condo, we were able to ride directly from their double garage and south on Spanish Valley Road to the trailhead without having to trailer our vehicle. This route adds about 7 miles each way to the arch with about half of it being on trail.